About us
At UAMH, we take care of the mental health of Ukrainians. Through psychoeducation, we encourage Ukrainians to take care of their emotional and mental health and to reach out to a psychologist if they feel any discomfort.
The foundation team
Olga Yudina
Founding Director
Anna Vashchuk
MHPSS Manager
Iryna Pikhovych
MHPSS Coordinator
Tetiana Samoilichenko
MHPSS Coordinator
Yuliia Sinchalova
Marketing Manager
Mental health professionals
Our specialists are representatives of the following psychotherapeutic schools:
cognitive behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, psychodynamic therapy, positive psychology and others. We practice an integrative approach – we combine different therapy methods depending on individual needs.
Each specialist who wants to join the organization must provide proof of their qualifications (higher education diplomas, the passing, and graduating of certain schools of psychotherapy, additional courses, etc.) as well as passing an interview process.